Producer: Noel Butler
Processing facility: Madan Estate
Production area: Madan Village, Western Highlands
Country of origin: Papua New Guinea
Altitude: 1,600 MASL
Variety: Arusha, bourbon, typica
Processing method: Washed
Roast level: Light roast
Flavor : Rich and fruity. Taste of plum, blackcurrant and spice notes.
Madan Village is a small, tribal village located in the highlands of one of the world's least urbanized countries, Papua New Guinea. American Aarlie Hull cultivated coffee here for more than 20 years, in collaboration with the local population. By working long-term – with people, knowledge and improvements on the farm – Aarlie succeeded in realizing much of the potential found in coffee from Papua New Guinea. Hull's commitment extended far beyond coffee quality. In addition to employing more than 400 residents in the village, she has, among other things, financed a hospital in Madan Village, as well as contributed books and learning materials to schools in the area.
Madan Estate是一個小型部落村莊,位於世界上城市化程度最低的國家之一巴布亞紐幾內亞的高地。美國人 Aarlie Hull 在這裡與當地居民合作種植咖啡已有 20 多年。透過與農場的人員、知識和改進的長期合作,Aarlie 成功地實現了巴布亞新幾內亞咖啡的大部分潛力。順帶一提,她除僱用村裡 400 多名居民外,還資助了Madan Estate內一家醫院,並向該地區的學校捐贈書籍和學習材料。
In 2022, Aarlie Hull chose to give up the coffee business and enjoy retirement. The good running of Madan Estate is now looked after by Noel Butler and we are very pleased to be able to say that the coffee maintains the same good quality as before.
2022年,Aarlie Hull選擇放棄咖啡生意,享受退休生活。馬丹莊園的良好運作現在由Noel Butler負責,我們很高興能夠說咖啡保持了與以前一樣的優質品質。