Producer: Othaya Farmers Society
Processing facility: Rukira Washing Factory
Production area: Nyeri, Central Kenya
Country of origin: Kenya
Altitude: 1,900 MASL
Variety: SL34, SL28, Ruiru11 and batia
Processing method: Fully Washed
Roast level: Light roast
Flavor : Fruity and juicy. Currants, butter tones and dried fruit.
A microbatch of wet-processed coffee of the grade AA, the highest quality of Kenyan coffee. Nearby coffee farms deliver ripe coffee berries to the Rukira washing station, where work is constantly being done to develop the processing methods to bring out the best in the coffee beans.
AA 級微批次濕式加工咖啡,是肯亞咖啡的最高品質。附近的咖啡農場將成熟的咖啡漿果運送到 Rukira 水洗站,在那裡不斷開發加工方法,以充分發揮咖啡豆的最佳品質。
Kenya AA is coffee of the highest quality, known for its clean, fruity taste. A taste that gives an extra sweet, almost tingling, mouthfeel and has distinct notes of blackcurrant. AA beans are grown at an altitude of over 1,800 meters and are extra carefully sorted according to size and appearance. To qualify for grade AA, the beans must be 7.2 mm in diameter, neither larger nor smaller, and have no visible defects. In this way, you avoid that the raw coffee contains beans that are roasted too much or too little, and you achieve an even roasting of the coffee. Coffee beans that do not meet the requirements for AA are sorted as, for example, AB, which is the second highest quality of Kenyan coffee.
肯亞 AA 是最高品質的咖啡,以其純淨的水果香味道而聞名。口感格外甜美,幾乎有刺痛感,並帶有明顯的黑醋栗香氣。 AA豆生長於海拔1800公尺以上,並根據大小和外觀進行特別仔細的分類。要獲得 AA 級資格,咖啡豆直徑必須為 7.2 毫米,既不大於也不小於,且沒有可見缺陷。透過這種方式,您可以避免生咖啡中含有烘焙過多或過少的咖啡豆,並實現咖啡的均勻烘焙。不符合AA要求的咖啡豆會被分類為AB,這是肯亞咖啡的第二高品質。
Rukira is one of the washing stations associated with the Othaya Farmers Society. It was built in 1979 and is located close to a village of the same name, between the Mumwe and Thuti rivers that flow down from the Aberdare Mountains. At the washing station, nearby farmers deliver their hand-picked coffee berries, which are weighed and sorted according to the high quality requirements before being wet-processed or berry-dried on raised beds. They also have their own coffee plantation at the washing station, from which they process coffee.
Rukira 是與 Othaya 農民協會相關的水洗站之一。它建於 1979 年,靠近一個同名村莊,位於從阿伯代爾山脈流下的穆姆維河和圖蒂河之間。在處理站,附近的農民將他們親手採摘的咖啡漿果運送到這裡,這些咖啡漿果根據高品質要求進行稱重和分類,然後進行濕加工或在高架床上進行漿果乾燥。他們還在處理站內擁有自己的咖啡種植園,並從那裡加工咖啡。